# Appendix C -- @Formulas and Reserved Field Names
+. Separator used to concatenate strings. Keep in mind that Actions and Notification Subjects must be contained in a single line (unlike a Notification Body which can consist of several lines).
<, <=, =, !=, >=, >. Comparative operators which can be used in automatic routing rules as well as Actions.
@Char( 34 ). Translates to the " character.
@If( condition; true; false ). Conditional statements which can be used in Actions.
@Name( [CN]; @UserName ). The current user name -- used in [Notifications]{.underline} and Actions.
@Text( @Today). The current date -- used in Notification and Actions.
@Today. The current date -- used in Actions where the date format needs to be preserved.
@Unique( WAReaders : @UserName ). Used to set the WAReaders field to progressively provide visibility to a workflow document (be sure to include also [WAManager] and [WASupervisor] initially to provide those users visibility).
@UserName. The current user name -- used in Actions where the full formal name needs to be preserved.
And. Logical operator which can be used in automatic routing rules.
Or. Logical operator which can be used in automatic routing rules.
Not. Logical operator which can be used in automatic routing rules.
WAAuthor. The user name of the individual who created the workflow document.
WACurrentAuthors. The list of user names who can intervene in the document at that moment in time.
WACurrentAuthorsDisplay. The list of current user names displayed to the end users in the various views.
WACurrentState. The name of the workflow document's current state.
WADocRef. Contains the unique reference allocated to the workflow document.
WAErrorMessage. Contains any error messages which block advancing the document in the workflow.
WAFormName. The process name displayed to the end users.
WAHistoryAuthors. The list of users who have intervened in the workflow document to date.
WAReaders. The list of users who can visualize the workflow document (in addition to those who have or who can modify the workflow document).
WAVersionRef. The version of the workflow document.