# Appendix C -- @Formulas and Reserved Field Names


  • +. Separator used to concatenate strings. Keep in mind that Actions and Notification Subjects must be contained in a single line (unlike a Notification Body which can consist of several lines).

  • <, <=, =, !=, >=, >. Comparative operators which can be used in automatic routing rules as well as Actions.

  • @Char( 34 ). Translates to the " character.

  • @If( condition; true; false ). Conditional statements which can be used in Actions.

  • @Name( [CN]; @UserName ). The current user name -- used in [Notifications]{.underline} and Actions.

  • @Text( @Today). The current date -- used in Notification and Actions.

  • @Today. The current date -- used in Actions where the date format needs to be preserved.

  • @Unique( WAReaders : @UserName ). Used to set the WAReaders field to progressively provide visibility to a workflow document (be sure to include also [WAManager] and [WASupervisor] initially to provide those users visibility).

  • @UserName. The current user name -- used in Actions where the full formal name needs to be preserved.

  • And. Logical operator which can be used in automatic routing rules.

  • Or. Logical operator which can be used in automatic routing rules.

  • Not. Logical operator which can be used in automatic routing rules.


  • WAAuthor. The user name of the individual who created the workflow document.

  • WACurrentAuthors. The list of user names who can intervene in the document at that moment in time.

  • WACurrentAuthorsDisplay. The list of current user names displayed to the end users in the various views.

  • WACurrentState. The name of the workflow document's current state.

  • WADocRef. Contains the unique reference allocated to the workflow document.

  • WAErrorMessage. Contains any error messages which block advancing the document in the workflow.

  • WAFormName. The process name displayed to the end users.

  • WAHistoryAuthors. The list of users who have intervened in the workflow document to date.

  • WAReaders. The list of users who can visualize the workflow document (in addition to those who have or who can modify the workflow document).

  • WAVersionRef. The version of the workflow document.

Last Updated: 10/13/2019, 7:06:45 PM